
Thursday, March 08, 2007

Chocolate Makes It All Better

Happiness arrived in the mail a few days ago. I took Jill's advice and hopped over to Godiva to see what was on sale. This beautiful box of mouth-watering goodness was 50% off. It arrived just as my hopes for my new job as a preschool teacher were pouring down the drain. (More on that later.) The timing couldn't have been better!


At 9:05 AM, Blogger Jill said...

Woohoo! I've been chowing on the exact same box for a couple of days now. Seems like there ought to be something useful to do with that "rose ball," but, alas, I can't think of anything.

Sorry to hear about the job not working out. Chocolate will make it all better.

At 1:09 PM, Blogger meno said...

Is there any left? Because i don't live too far away......

Nancy D told me to contact you for details of her visit in May. So please let me know. My e-mail is Thanks.

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah. Happiness in a golden box. You're saving some of those for Meno and me, right? ;-) I'll bring Frangos.

Sorry about the job. She sounds like she would have made your life miserable though.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Jill- Thanks for the heads-up on Godiva! I only share the ones with nuts (I don't like the nuts, Stucco gets those) I gave the rose ball to our daughter so she could do something creative with it. Her puppy Daisy promptly stole it and riped it to shreds. At least Daisy seemed to take great joy in it!

Meno- There are a few left...Come on over! I will email you the details of Nany Pant's visit :)

Pants- Uhh. They will be long gone by May but I am sure Godiva will have an Easter sale and I will have more sent to the house :) Mmm...Frangos. Gotta try those!
Thanks for the sympathy. I am definitely better off!

At 4:07 AM, Blogger Cheesy said...

Dammit... drool on the keyboard......*&%&$^%#&^%)&%$#

At 7:45 PM, Blogger KelKel said...

I'll take the third one in on the second row ;)-

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Hee hee! I drooled quite a bit too, Cheesy :)

Kelkel- That one is a "Coffee feather." "Rich coffee-infused chocolate ganache in a smooth milk chocolate shell." Mmm... it was yummy!

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Lynnea said...

Ah, little drops of love waiting to melt their cure in you. We have a chococaltier here in our town. Two women can often be seen bending over their work bench forming perfect little chocolate shapes filled with delight. I love their chocolate, mmmmm.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Maggie- Chocolate made with love is the best kind! Can I order theirs online? Let me know. I am always on the hunt for new and better chocolate!

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Lynnea said...

Ooh, I'll check with them if they have website. We're a backwards little town here and a lot of merchants just don't get that if they were online they'd be rich.


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