
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Need Advice

So I work with a gal who is extremely rude and insensitive. She is the "Program Coordinator" for our area and works with all of the staff, balancing vacation days, sick days, and staffing the rooms that are without a teacher. I realize her job is difficult and she deals with whiners and wimps who call in sick at the drop of a hat, but I am not one of those people. I am always at work. I rarely call in sick. I am a nice person who focuses on doing my job and giving my best every day. I was sick this past weekend with a stomach virus, and told by the nursing supervisor I could not come to work Monday despite feeling well. (They have to have the strictest of rules about viruses as we work with the vulnerable population of elderly adults.) So now I'm on the PC"s black list. I called her at home (her policy) to tell her I wouldn't be at work Mon. She was rude on the phone to me, even as I pointed out that it wasn't my choice to stay home. I really think she shouldn't be in a position where she works with people (since she seems to dislike people so much.) What is the best way to deal with her?

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At 8:02 AM, Blogger Bob said...

my wife has had similar problems. According to her all you can really do is: keep your nose clean, document everything, be unfailingly polite of her (in and out of her presence), and hope she gets promoted/a new job/disappears. People like that are simply a pain in everyone's ass and have to be suffered.

I expect you'll drop off of her shit list when the next person is added. oh, and I would do my damnedness to not be out for a while.

I wish I had something more positive to offer.......

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Lynnea said...

I think Bob and his wife are right. Just keep being the good employee that you already are and stay out of her way. Sucks to have to deal with her but there it is. I think she would have been a hell of a lot more incensed had you showed up sick and gotten the rest of the staff in a vomiting fit. She'll get over it.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger meno said...

And even if she doesn't get over it, so what? She doesn't like you? Oh no, a bitchy person who doesn't like you.

I like to use this phrase, said quietly, "Please don't talk to me like that, i don't like it."

Anyway, everyone else knows she is rude, so if she talks badly about you, no one will give it a thought.

Or you could try pistols at dawn.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

I'm so sorry. Vomiting really IS the worst.

I'm of the CYA generation - document EVERYTHING. Then do what Meno says - she's got this figured out.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger none said...

I would just document and let it go. If she continues to acts unprofessionally I would go to her manager.

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Bob- Thanks for your kind thoughts and helpful advice. I really should document so I have something to fall back on. I don't ever call in sick, so I shouldn't have to miss anymore work in the near future.

Maggie- Funny you should say that about the vomit fit. One of the employees that calls in sick quite a bit vomited at work today right in front of her class. The PC didn't believe her when she said she wasn't feeling well and there you have it. It really is a shame. Thanks for checking in even though I don't blog that often! :)

Meno- Pistols at dawn sounds fun (at least I can fantasize about it!) I like that phrase. I will use it sometime on her. I use it every day when the kids in my class demand something rudely from me. Why not her?! Thanks.

Mrs. Chili- Thank you! I hadn't vomited since I was pregnant with my youngest 8 yrs ago. I scared my son! He thought my head was going to spin around ;)

Hammer- Documentation is important. Her manager is new and clueless. I am between a rock and a hard place. Stucco wants me to find another job so I don't have to deal with the crap. But I say the crap is everywhere. Crazy people are at every workplace. Thanks for stopping by!

At 2:02 PM, Blogger KelKel said...

I would have the person that called you and told you not to call in put it in writing or maybe make a copy of the policy and sign it with the dat you had to miss and ask that it be put in your file. When she asks why then poliely explain that she seemed to have a problem with the policy and the fact that you were told to stay home because of the "bug" you got while at work with (how many) others.
As someone who got those calls (not from the individual employee----dumb personal plicy) it can be very frustrating and I also got very snotty with people who called me at home at 3 a.m. to ask me what they should do about call-ins. There was a call-in policy in place and an on call system in place that the charge nurse was to follow, DON"T CALL me, I can't do anything 25 miles away at 3 a.m. It was very frustrating and I was very rude often and would have to apologize when I got in to work at 7.
Keep you chin up and remember you are good at what you do and you are not there for her you are there for the kids.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger amusing said...

Go lick every key on her keyboard and hope you still have some germs in you. (well, maybe you don't want to actually "lick" it... )

I recently dealt with an office and was waiting for info -- my contact kept blaming the wait on this "other" person -- she finally had me call the "other" person directly and after waiting four months for simple info, it turned out the answer could have been provided on my first call. I sent an email to the "other" person -- and to my original contact b/c I could tell "other" is much-hated and thought I'd be helping out by giving them documentation from outside to complain about her. But I don't think they got it without me labeling it as such.

Idiocy abounds, but some offices are certainly better than others. Keep your sensors on alert; it doesn't hurt to interview.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Kel- Thanks for reminding me that it is about the kids. You are right. That is why I'll put up with a lot of shit. :)

Amusing- Isn't it frustrating to get the "run-around" from people? I have been looking around at ads and searching job websites. It is good to interview, even if I refuse the job, I can keep sharp on those skills. Thanks for the advice!

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Jill said...

Hmmm, my first thought is to tell somebody like that to bite me, but I never do it. I will write about it on my blog though. :)

Serious suggestions:
a. Ignore her.
b. Say something along the lines of "There's no need to be rude. I would come to work if I were allowed to."

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dang it, this thing ate my comment from the other day.

I think I said something like, 'My new motto is WWMD -- What Would Meno Do?

Is this woman still giving you the stink eye? Do you still like everything else about the job? If you do, I'd hang on til she finds her next victim. Because she will.

Hee! My WV is asylm. I belong in one.

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Cheesy said...

Don't let her rent space in your head... and DEFINITLY document...always get a note from your Dr. I learned this YEARS ago. Uncle Sam is unforgiving unless you have a paper in your hand.... the bass~turd. Don't let one sourpuss make you look for another job if you like what you do now hun.


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