I am on page 235. Barely into the book, and it is definitely an exciting, wonderful adventure. I am savoring every page like a fine bottle of red. Stucco is a good sport to put up with all the hype, and me barely acknowledging his presence while I read. More updates as I finish.
I am on page 163, but Em has already filled me in. I don't like surprises.
We're making the reading of the book a family thing - one of us (though it's only been me thus far) will read aloud to the others. We're only up to page 49 - chapter four - but we had a busy day yesterday.
Meno, really?! My fingers are in my ears and I'm yelling LA LA LA LA LA!!
Don't tell me ANYTHING - these are the kinds of surprises I like...
Meno- I am now on 426. I dreamt about it last night and as a result have a few theories in mind. I do not want to know. I want to read it as a "virgin." :)
Mrs. Chili- Our friends are reading it aloud as well. I am too impatient to read aloud. Our daughter A. has a copy too. She's on page 162 right now. We had a busy day but we are reading all day today.
I started and finished it yesterday. I read the last chapter s-l-o-w-l-y as I didn't want it to end. I've been going to Hogwarts for the past 9 years and don't want to graduate. I will miss it.
Bob- I've been at Hogwarts these past 9 years too! I'm in Ravenclaw (how about you?!) I finished last night and now I will commence reading all over again. I am sad it's over but the 7th book was worth the wait.
Done, done, I'm all done, and weeping openly over My Favorite Character. He didn't let me down.
Pants- You called that one! He is WONDERFUL isn't he? I finished Sunday night. It was a beautiful ending to a wonderful series.
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