
Monday, October 15, 2007

Enjoying the Outdoors

While Stucco was away this past weekend, Z. and A. and I decided to make our way to one of our favorite parks on the water. The air was fresh and full of the last bit of fog being burned away by the sun. It is a wonderful thing, once again, to be surrounded by maples, sycamores, oaks etc. Their brilliant colors surround us this autumn. One of my favorite smells I remember from childhood is all around me. The smell of freshly fallen leaves that have been dampened by the rain.

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At 7:40 PM, Blogger meno said...

Those are some cute kids! I like the stuffed animal that was accompanying you. What park did you go to?

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I miss those faces!

Last night I dreamed I was standing in the water at Alki Beach at sunset. Across the water the skyscrappers of Seattle were black cut outs against the orange sky.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Cheesy said...

Annie and I raked damp leaves today.. well I raked she supervised...It was a good day.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Meno- Thanks. Their stuffed animals are webkinz (have you heard of them?) A. is collecting them and has a real addiction going. We had to stop her at 13.
We went to Lincoln Park. It's close and on the Sound. The trees are amazing!

They miss you too, Pants. You'll be here again someday soon ;)

Cheesy- Raking leaves is hard work, but the kind of work that is immensely satisfying. I am glad you had your Annie to "help!"

At 11:10 AM, Blogger amusing said...


Fab photo -- and lordie, lordie, do I know webkinz! (We just found a lost one that's been folded into the back seat of the car for months!) My mother berates me for spoiling my kids, then calls all over tarnation when we are there visiting to find a place that had the panda available....!

Leaves -- glad you are getting a fall. Our temps can't decide what to do and the trees are confused. I fear that at some point they will just give up and drop their leaves all green.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Amusing- Thanks! It was a great birthday.

Our daughter is going to need a 12 step program to recover from her addiction to webkinz! :) Glad to see others are dealing with them as well. Your mother reminds me of myself with the beanie baby craze of 10 years ago!

I hope you get some bright colors soon. It does the body good to take it all in.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger none said...

Nice weather, happy kids, what more could someone ask for?


At 1:21 PM, Blogger KelKel said...

Great picture!!!!
God do I feel old!!!!!! They are growing up so fast.
Love to all of you, Kel

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Hammer- It was a great day. Thanks. Cheers!

KelKel- I saw a newborn baby today and she reminded me of A. It made me a little sad to see her run up to me after swimming, so tall and grown-up looking. Wait til I send you their school pics! They are so mature looking.
Love you too! Miss you.

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Jill said...

Mmmm, that looks lovely. I love fall too.

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Jill- It's great to see the changing colors eh!?


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