Daisy is on the look-out for anything amiss in the neighborhood. She is also dreaming about playing, all day, in the snow. And Z. is exploring his options for throwing snowballs. Yes, snow...and snowballs. In Seattle. It has snowed 4 times here since we moved. We are being blamed for bringing the snow with us from CO. I don't think anyone can really pin that one on us, but it is awfully strange. Earlier in the school year, in CO, A. and Z. had to go to school despite 14 inches of fresh powder. Here in Seattle they have had 4 snow days due to 2 inches of snow at a time. Heh. A guy on the news last night explained that Seattle only gets snow once every 5-7 years so they do not invest in sanding and plowing equipment. I guess that makes sense. Like Jill said in her blog, it's funny to see the weather people get so excited by such a miniscule event. The kids and I made the most of the day and went sledding. A great time was had by all (although I felt very old trying to get up from the sled at the bottom of the hill. Sheesh!)