
Monday, June 11, 2007

What Would You Do?

So I rushed downstairs in my usual frantic, morning pace when I decided I needed to wash some beautiful red grapes for A. and Z. to pack in their lunches. I tossed the grapes in the colander which was sitting in the kitchen sink. I washed them thoroughly with the sprayer, and set them to dry on the counter while I made my coffee. Now, Stucco is in the living room, and a few minutes after the kids had packed their lunches he pipes-up and says, "I washed the dog shit off my shoes yesterday." "Come over here and see if you can still smell it." At this point, I am just horribly offended that he wants me to determine if his shoes are indeed shit-free. Then, knowing Stucco as well as I do, it occurs to me to ask WHERE he decided to wash his shoes off yesterday. Yes, folks, "in the kitchen sink" was his reply. I asked (silly me) if it had crossed his mind to disinfect the sink after he washed his shoes off. "Well, no." he says. I calmly asked him if, in the future, would he please use the bleach to clean the sink immediately after he washes his shoes or would he, FOR GOD"S SAKE, wash them outside with the hose?!!

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At 6:57 PM, Blogger Stucco said...

Missing story elements- I have an unreliable sense of smell and need corroboration. Additionally, the sink has the sprayer deal, and I washed the sink with fucking ANTI-BACTERIAL SOAP AND WATER! Mrs. Autoclave is out of her gourd.

At 11:12 PM, Blogger meno said...

Sorry Stucco, i convict you of a Dog Shit in the Sink offense in the first degree.

At 5:41 AM, Blogger Lynnea said...

But it was SHIT stucco, SHIT!

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Cheesy said...

Me thinks Me needs to trip up there and bitch slap him? Sorry Stucco...Kitchens and dog shit just don't mix....

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Stucco- My bet is that you didn't scrub the sink with soap, but merely rinsed it a bit. :)

Damn straight, Meno!

Maggie- Yes SHIT! Completely disgusting!

Thanks, Cheesy :) I'll try to hold him down while you bitch-slap him. Oh crap! He'd enjoy that too much! ;)

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Stucco said...

Dogshit, horseshit, bullshit. Shit goes down drains regularly. I used soap. Buncha germaphobes, that's what. I could take over this town with poo on a stick.

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

*snort* Glad I visited beforehand...

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Pants- Yes, I am glad we did not have to have this conversation about where to clean his shoes while you were present! Miss you!

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Jill said...

Oh dear Lord. Yes, outside would be the best place to remove dog poop, bleach being required if you HAVE to use the kitchen sink.

OTOH, I live with a man who must be part girl. Poop in the sink would be enough to cause Slag to refuse to ever enter the house again. Guess I know what to do if I ever want to kick him out. :)

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Gledwood said...

are all men this clueless when it comes to cleanliness ... well I can only cite the case of my friend's cats. .. all are boys except one... and they are so scruffy compared to the one female one you would not believe it! ... Hi I kind of jumped in at random via several freinds of friends removed ... I'm at gledwood2.blogspot you're welcome to come by any time you like... all the best to you
"vol 2" ...

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Hi gledwood! Welcome. Men are very clueless when it comes to keeping their environment clean. *sigh*


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