
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The kids are back in school, Stucco is back to work, the house is clean-NOW WHAT? FREE TIME? What is that? I found myself puttering around the house this morning, feeling like I had forgotten something or someone. Very strange. I do have much to do, but nothing that HAD to be done that moment. I guess I can slow down a bit and enjoy my beautiful greenhouse and attempt to train Sal so he doesn't break my wrists when I try to walk him on the leash. There is also the seemingly endless search for "the perfect CNA" job and my pile of unread books I have been aching to read. Hmm. Where to start? I'll begin by tearing myself away from the computer. I am wishing you all a very good day!


At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Perfect CNA Job"? Isn't that phone sex? Why else would someone study anatomy and physiology?

-Stucco (of the "One Track Mind" Stucco's)

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And oh yeah- pictures of the greenhouse


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