
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Still Unpacking...

As I sit here this morning, it is 26 degrees outside (record lows in Seattle) and our living room is full of boxes that need to be unpacked. The good news is that we returned the rental truck last night, so at least all of our belongings are in the house! Stucco is really sick today. He spent quality time driving the moving truck over 1300 miles with Z. Problem was, Z. shared his terrible cold with Daddy. Stucco called in sick today and is trying to get some rest, though I am trudging up and down the stairs putting our stuff away as the dogs follow me to "see what I am up to!" We still don't have email and my phone number is in transition so I will keep blogging and update from here. Love to everyone!


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Aww....sorry to hear that about Stucco. Take care of yourselves.

It's snowing and Illinois-cold here today. Brrrrr....

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Andy said...

Ditto what Nancy said.

We ended up having to get antibiotics for everyone but little M. We're almost better... but still not unpacked!

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Pants- It was MO cold here today too. Stucco is a tiny bit better. I am crossing my fingers that I don't get it. Progress was made with the boxes today. Kitchen is all unpacked. Need to tackle A.'s room now!

Andy- I am glad you guys are doing better! This cold is a doozy (probably the same one you had.) I have put several boxes in the basement to be opened when we eventually buy our own house again. Some things just need to be stored and not worried about!


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