
Monday, October 09, 2006


So I am excited, scared, impatient, happy, exhausted, proud, aching and at any moment I feel as though I could puke. EXCITED because we are moving to SEATTLE!!! SCARED because relocating your whole life to an unfamiliar part of the country with 2 children is a bit overwhelming. IMPATIENT because I want our house to sell quickly and this is a sucky market to sell a house in right now. HAPPY because we are going to be so close to the coast where I have wanted to live for a very long time. EXHAUSTED because I am working against 3 people and 3 dogs who don't understand that we need to keep the house immaculate in order to sell it. PROUD because Stucco got the job so easily (they realized his enormous potential.) I had to write that to give Stucco something to comment on that could be twisted into something pervy!) ACHING because we have worked non-stop on this house trying to get it ready to sell. Finally, my stomach feels like it is in knots and I hope the transition goes well. Keep us in your thoughts and please understand if I am preoccupied and a bit non-communicative. IT"S CALLED STRESS!! But a good kind of stress!


At 8:47 PM, Blogger Stucco said...

Working against Schmmopie is exhausting for us too. All I really read though was Stucco...enormous...aching...non-stop...knots...

At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let go, let God.

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just realize that you do everthing to the best of your ability always. That is all you can do. Nothing is worth exhausting yourself into getting sick. I know you and I know that the house is beautiful and is at it's best. It is a "sucky market" and YOU cannot do a thing about that right now.
Don't forget to enjoy the day, your kids, your husband, your life, for you don't know what tomorrow will bring.
Love forever and ever,

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all rootin' for ya! WHen you get settled in WA, you'll have a lot of beautiful country to explore. Watch out for the critters, bears etc. Iron Mike, Ice Caves State Park, the timber roads, the Colorado river gorge, all of the state is beautiful. Look to the horzon and you'll always see snow somewhere on a mountail peak-you thought you were getting away from snow?

Love ya all,

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Cheesy said...

Geez Stuc... does ur wife know you or what?? LMAO

Im sending hippy chick vibes your way!!!!

Can I give you a little hint that was told to me about easing the cleaning proccess???

Put a whole bunch of your stuff in storage,,, box it up like your moving.. you know the stuff you dont use everyday.. especially knick knacks.. cleaner lines throughout the house and makes it look bigger!!

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Schmoopie said...

Stucco: You never disappoint! Love you more

Ron (or Kel): I am working on letting go every day!

Kel: Thanks for the support. Your words are like music to my ears!

Dork: We can't wait to explore all of the beautiful country up there. Thanks for rooting for us!

Cheesy: We need all of the hippy chick vibes we can get. Thanks! We put a lot of our stuff in our very ugly, but very useful shed in our back yard. I move more stuff out there every day.


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